Little Blue Heron

Little Blue Heron

After several aborted missions to Merritt Island, we decided to forego that destination due to the vagaries of SpaceX launches and head inland instead.  On Sunday, January 19, 2020, a small but enthusiastic group ventured to Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive. 

Lake Apopka is one of the premier birding destinations in Florida. The water quality restoration project which began there in 2003 provides habitat for an amazing variety of birds and other wildlife.

Our group observed over 60 species of birds during our leisurely exploration, including an Ash-throated Flycatcher and a Yellow Warbler, both considered rare for that location. Other highlights included Fulvous Whistling-Duck, Canvasback, Blue-winged Teal, American Bittern, Anhinga, herons, egrets, River Otters and many large alligators.

A complete checklist with photos is available in eBird.

—Trip report prepared by Doris Brookens.